It’s Kat’s Life is proud to say that yet another incredible business has made it’s way into Dallas! I am huge fan of beauty products and of course am always looking for the next best thing for keeping a youthful look, of course. Who doesn’t want that? And a new beauty studio opening just in time to get primped for those holiday parties.
I had the privilege to learn about the Amazing Lash Studio (at Old Town in Dallas, Texas) over a year ago and am so excited to finally see the business concept up and running.
I am the most excited about their quietly mentioned tag line (“Big D style”) for their Grand Opening! Who doesn’t want free beauty services, every attendee receives a certificate for a free set of lashes. I know from personal experience, a set of lashes is not an inexpensive gift – new sets of lashes can run in upwards of $300 and that’s a fairly modest price comparison. I personally vouch for the owner of Amazing Lash Studio, as I have known him since 1998, that seems like yesterday, but it was actually quite some time back.
I love everything about the concept, the business model, the location and the very people who you will all interact with at the company itself.
From Amazing Lash Studio: